Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Depeche "a la" Mode

photo: C. Diller
photo: C. Diller

Okay, so its that weird transition from summer to fall phase, but it's still warm enough to wear my new Metal and Mesh dress that I purchased from Nasty Gal.  It definitely gets frosty at night here in San Francisco, so I paired it with my used/ vintage coat that I got from Buffalo Exchange in the Haight.  I threw on some charcoal knit over-the-knees and black ankle boots to complete my style.  Thought i'd wear my hot pink shades to add a pop of color...they're fresh :)
photo: C. Diller
I love the metallic details of the collar...it's edgy yet elegant, and adds a nice boost of contrast against the all black dress.  My vintage coat that I purchased has puffed shoulders and a great draped back to it.  I think it softens the industrial look of the dress and adds a nice touch of color.  Don't be afraid to use color.  Its great seeing how colors "befriend" and contrast with one another.  I didn't want to play it safe and use all black or neutral pieces.  All black is for mourning....i'm quite happy on the contrary xx
photo: C. Diller


  1. I love the dress..the neck details are great...and I love the otk socks!

  2. Thanks chick! Keep in touch for some more looks from me x
