Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Fashion Market Raising the Bar

Its always a relief when something you love is combined with the ever relaxing joy of alcoholic beverage consumption (that is if you're of age).  Cocktails, wine, beer, spirits...doesn't matter; one or the other is usually in supply when a joyous occasion occurs.  Perhaps this joyous occasion be that of the arts; perhaps it be the art of Shopping! :)
Fringe Bar Market in Paddington off Oxford St.
 "Its like I died and went to fashion heaven!  And what?...There's more?...A full bar awaiting my exhilarated soul inside?!  Get my mattress honey, I'm moving in!"
     Fringe Bar Market is held weekly at the Fringe Bar in a suburb known to locals as "Paddo."  It's simply an ingenious idea, how come I don't see these more often?  Unlike most pop-up shops or sample sales with a hired bar, these ambitious fab folks took their designer digs to the pub itself.  The Fringe Bar's fabulous vintage inspired interior and chandelier lighting is one thing, but the unique clothes and accessories add to the market's "amaze factor".  You get rare designer styles and vintage one-of-a-kind pieces at negotiated prices.  The fashion obsessed and locals mainly know of this Saturday-only establishment, which keeps the crowds at reasonable levels.  I'm so excited for my discovered hidden gem in Sydney's posh suburb and loyally dedicating my Saturdays to it.
A look inside Fringe Bar Market (wish my closet looked like this!)

See you there Saturday x


Monday, May 16, 2011

¡Bueno!: San Telmo Sunday Markets do deliver

Antay Alvarez, student/ Jewelry Designer
     I have always dreamt of going to South America, particularly that of Argentina.  So when I had the opportunity to explore the city of Buenos Aires, I already had my bags packed before the ticket was purchased.  "Viva Buenos Aires!"
     After a grueling itinerary of multi-connected flights through Central and northern South America, 26 hours, and 3 planes later I was finally there (sigh).  I woke up the next morning in San Telmo at a very loud (literally and metaphorically) hostel with a Circus name and theme...lucky me...
     I realized I was just in time for the highly anticipated San Telmo Sunday markets that has become an avenue for local artists, designers, and the sort in Buenos Aires to showcase their hardwork to eager foreigners and city dwellers waiting to spend their disposable income.  The streets were cluttered with tourists and locals alike, trying to bargain their way from vendor to vendor.  There were many pieces of

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Get Mint'd in Manly

So who's coming with?  Meet up with me...(i'll be the one sitting under a cabana with a strong hold on my cocktail glass) x

For more info go to

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Not A Bunch of Croc

I received a pair of Carlie Flats from Crocs' new Spring Collection.  I wouldn't categorize myself as a Crocs wearer, but these shoes are cute peep-toe flats that are super comfortable.  Rad.  I have been converted.
in the garden with my Carlie Flats

There are many other items from the Spring Collection that are worth checking out....all stylish...all super comfy. Even better, you can enter their 'New Crocs. New You.' makeover contest!

I leave you with some style tips for under $200:

Monday, March 21, 2011

LA Fashion Week: Stop Staring

It was an exciting and fun moment of fashion last week in LA!  I had the pleasure of getting a special invite to preview a new collection of Stop Staring!  Here are some of my favorite looks as well as personal faves from LAFW's event!...(FYI:  I made my skirt just hours before the event!!!)

Alicia (designer and creator of Stop Staring) and I
(My 'amateur' photography attempt)

The night was definitely a success!  Stop Staring is Patricia Feilds meets Betsey Johnson meets retro 50's...which definitely makes a recipe for "VA-VOOM!"

I thank Alicia and her crew for giving me a piece from the collection!  Kudos xoxo

Check out more photos here>>

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

(Love it!) New Trend: Fishtail Skirts

Perusing the Fashion District in LA I found a lot of great styles, many of which were refurbished pieces of clothing.  Cutting the shoulders out of jean button up shirts and my favorite: turning old floor length skirts into more stylish fishtail skirts.  I didn't have time to buy one then, so I searched online and presto!...I found one at Nasty Gal

Vintage Gysey Rose Skirt 

These pieces are one-of-a-kind since they have been crafted from previous garments.  However, if you're not a fan of print, there are also fishtail skirts (non-refurbished) in black and mocha :)

Fishtail Skirt in Mocha (also available in black)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Go to Style Fashion Week!

Enter to win a chance to attend Style Fashion Week March 15-18th in LA

Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Queen: Mila Kunis

She wows on screen and on the red carpet.  What makes her Queen of spring fashion?  These photos tell the story...c'est chic!
Mila Kunis in Nylon mag
Mila Kunis in W mag
Mila Kunis in W mag
Mila Kunis in W mag
Mila Kunis in Nylon mag

Thursday, March 3, 2011

GaGa flashes her Mug on the runway

Lady GaGa on the runway for Mugler
(check out those platforms!)

<a href=";brand=v5%5E440x281&amp;from=sp&amp;vid=7855c1fc-1aa7-4b49-b706-e6e1c11833ac&amp;src=FLCP:sharebar:embed" target="_new" title="MSN Exclusive: Lady Gaga reveals her new single at the Mugler Paris fashion show">Video: MSN Exclusive: Lady Gaga reveals her new single at the Mugler Paris fashion show</a>

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Now writing for the examiner!

check out my style column for the here

Love doesn't just come in red

surprise V-Day flowers I received :)
Hopefully everyone had a great Valentine's Day.  I know I did.  It couldn't have been more romantic:  oceanfront room, couples massage, chocolates, and a surprise dinner set-up next to a burning fire.  There was one difference between myself and the other ladies eating in that restaurant however...

I chose not to wear red.  There was enough red all over, as well as the red roses sitting on our dinner table.  Valentine's Day is not like St. Patty's.  You don't have to wear red (like green on St. Patty's) to feel that you are truly partaking in on the festivities.  Make the day/night special with the one(s) you love, and choose something dainty and soft...don't go for the oh so obvious'll just become background.

Instead, I chose to flaunt a cream/ pale nude dress (Urban Outfitters), shiny nude peep-toe pumps (Guess), and a camel colored coat (Zara).  I paired it with a long pearl necklace to add a touch of class and a L.A.M.B. clutch to create contrast. 

My tip:  next time, save the red and lace for lingerie.  Don't become a V-Day decoration by wearing red and pink.  Use soft, elegant, and chic colors, as well as fabrics to give yourself an angelic aura.  Look like you came out of a dream.